NOVA Surgery Center(NSC) specializes in all aspects of female health from adolescence to menopause. We encourage ROUTINE ANNUAL GYNECOLOGIC EVALUATION for all women who are sexually active or are over the age of 18 years in addition to their annual preventative care evaluation.
Our health professionals provide general as well as gynecologic health care for women. Our general medical care includes routine screening and management of Hypertension(high blood pressure), Diabetes, Cholesterol problems, Thyroid problems, Lupus, Depression, Obesity and we counsel patients on tobacco, alcohol and drug use.
Our routine gynecologic evaluation assesses specific problems such as PELVIC PAIN, VAGINAL BLEEDING and VAGINAL DISCHARGE.
We also handle fertility and infertility issues and perform a breast examination with every annual physical exam. We include age appropriate cancer screening and provide on site age appropriate laboratory tests and scans.
Our routine gynecologic evaluation assesses specific problems such as PELVIC PAIN, VAGINAL BLEEDING and VAGINAL DISCHARGE.
To request for appointment by phone call