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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Home Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Since sexual activity involves close contact of the skin and mucous membranes of the penis, vagina, mouth and rectum, many germs can be efficiently spread between people. Certain germs are notorious for causing serious infections and damage to the pelvic organs. These infections especially Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trichomonas, Herpes, HIV, HPV(Human Papilloma virus) remain very common in most of our communities for several reasons:

  • Unprotected sexual activity with multiple partners.
  • Difficulty talking about sexual issues by both patients and healthcare workers.
  • Reinfection if both partners are not treated at the same time.
  • Incomplete treatment which can lead to development of drug resistant germs.
  • International travel which facilitates rapid global transfer of these germs.

Persons who acquire an STD, may experience a variety of symptoms. Females may have vaginal discomfort, vaginal discharge and painful vaginal swelling. Some infections such as Chlamydia do not result in any symptoms but can silently damage pelvic organs and lead to infertility if left untreated. For this reason, the physicians at NOVA Surgery Center, encourage ALL sexually active women to get an annual physical exam that includes a pelvic examination.

The staff at NOVA Surgery Center have the knowledge and expertise in managing STD’s. We have a fully equipped Lab on site to help with accurate diagnosis of STD and therefore rapid treatment. Our onsite pharmacy has most of the medications used for treating STD. We also have the vaccine for the prevention of HPV.


We at NOVA surgery center are well equipped to manage sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) which include Gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, Chlamydia, HIV and HPV

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